Monday, February 16, 2009

It's a quarter to 3am central time, and why am I still up? I don't know. I'm such a night owl..but right now my eyes are heavy and the words on this screen keep getting blurry bc my vision is fading at such a late hour. I'm surprised I'm even typing well.

A lot has happened since I posted last. I know you have been on the edge of your seat waiting to get an update from Ms. Hannah the one and only. HA! well let me fill you in...

at the end of Jan, me and the boyfriend decided it would be best for us if we no longer dated. It was a hard thing to do and it's still hard everyday, but I know that this is what needs to be done. Have you ever KNOWN something was right but it wasn't at all what you wanted to do? Yup...that would fit this situation. I know that the Lord will mend us both in His good time and He will use us both in great ways to further His kingdom. Garrett is so talented and I know He wants to use the gifts he's been given for the Lord's glory...and that's what I pray for him everyday. As for me, I think that the Lord placed us apart so I could focus on my relationship with Him and really finding my calling and purpose here in Nashville and being fully open to being used for Him...something that might not have happened if I had a boyfriend. Thank goodness for the Lord though...and songwriting. I'm getting some good stuff out of this ;)

Me and one of my roommates Danya have been looking for jobs for the past month...but to no avail. With the economy being in the shape that it is, it just hasn't been pretty and no one is hiring. We've had interviews, filled out tons of applications, responded to ads on Craigslist and things just haven't opened up for us. Today I did have an interview with a family in Franklin to nanny their 3 kids. And it looks like I got the job!! It's mostly a part time job Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri 12p-5p and all day on Wed. It's mostly for their youngest boy who is 4, then being with the other two kids as well when they get home from school. I met the youngest boy today and he is SO adorable! We are already getting along great and having such fun! It's definitely a praise because I feel like a weight has lifted off my shoulders. I watch them on a "trial run" on Thursday to make sure I really want the job...but believe me, I do! :) Please keep Danya in your prayers so she can find a job ASAP! She's supposed to hear back tomorrow from a hair salon in downtown Franklin so that would be close and fun!

The message at church today was so awesome. Something I definitely needed to hear. The message was about GRACE. That's it, just grace. And it never ceases to amaze me how God's love is unending, unchanging, unfailing. It will reach down to you in your darkest time, when you're deeper in sin than you've ever been...and pull you out and put you back on your feet. Jesus died on the cross for ALL of our sins. All the things we do wrong...things we should go straight to Hell for...He took the WHOLE WORLD'S weight on His shoulders, all the while knowing we would continually spit it back in His face. We will spend time with our boyfriend/girlfriend rather than Him, we will do things knowing they are displeasing to Him, we will go through our entire day without thinking of Him or even talking about Him to anyone. I get so angry with myself when I think about that. But by the Grace of our Lord we are continually saved from the depths of this world. Whew. Thank you Lord for your constant guidance and presence...and not to mention your amazing grace.

I hope you guys have a great today and tomorrow. And how about we pray for Spring...soon! Because I'm over this cold weather :)