Thursday, January 29, 2009

Happy Thursday ladies and gents! 

I was doing my quiet time this morning and it was talking about not straying our eyes off of Jesus. I can't tell you how many times I lose my focus so easily and yet the Lord still stays right beside me guiding my every step, holding my hand and loving me with such a love I can't even comprehend. Think about it....

I heard this from Jimmy Needham's wife but she hits the nail on the head! Imagine you're dating someone who you love and care for deeply. His birthday is coming up so you decide to get him two all day passes to his favorite theme park so you can go together. When he opens the gift he gets so excited that he runs out the door leaving you behind and alone. And when he returns you ask him what he did with the other ticket and he said he's gonna use it the next day so he can have fun going twice.

This is exactly how it is with the Lord. You would feel hurt because you bought the tickets so you two could go together and grow closer together, but he took the ticket and forgot about you (the one who gave it)...Whoa.

Thinking about this just makes my heart hurt knowing that I do this to my Jesus. He gave me the precious gift of eternal life by dying a cruel and painful suffering and so many times I forget about it, lose my focus, spit it back in His face, etc. The Lord deserves our undivided attention and unfortunately we continually forget that.

I just wanted to share that today and pray that ya'll will keep your eyes fixed on Jesus.

enjoy your day! :)

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Numero Uno

Well, here it is. My first update on a brand new blog. I'm sure my mother can barely contain herself right now :) 

So let me fill you in on me a little bit. I was born and raised in a little town in VA called Lynchburg...but I like to refer to it as Lunchbag. I just moved to Nashville in June of 08 because I felt the Lord was calling me to pursue music. I still know that's why I'm here it's just been a tough transition. I'm glad it's been tough because I'm learning a lot about myself and what the Lord wants me to do with my life and everything He is trying to teach me.

I attend an AMAZING church that I love called The People's Church. I'm glad I'm connected to a church full of people who love the Lord and desire to serve Him and worship Him in so many different areas. I love seeing the passion and fire for God in every service.

I can probably quote Dumb and Dumber entirely and I believe that Saved by the Bell can relate to everything in life. I can also do a wicked Southern accent. (It's way better than my British or Australian). I live with two other girls who I LOVE to death. I'm so grateful for them. I have a sickeningly talented boyfriend named Garrett. He writes, sings, plays guitar/piano, and he produces/records all his music on his computer. Does that make you wanna hit him? Yeah me too sometimes...but in the most loving way possible :)

My family is the most important thing to me after my Savior. I don't know what I would do without their loud, obnoxious, sarcastic, hilarious, loving, uplifting, biased and sometimes meddling behavior. Did I spell "meddling" right? Oh well...

There's a little bit of me and who knows...maybe I'll let you know more as I make this crazy journey through life in Music City. Oh my's been crazy...and it's gonna continue that way :)