Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Numero Uno

Well, here it is. My first update on a brand new blog. I'm sure my mother can barely contain herself right now :) 

So let me fill you in on me a little bit. I was born and raised in a little town in VA called Lynchburg...but I like to refer to it as Lunchbag. I just moved to Nashville in June of 08 because I felt the Lord was calling me to pursue music. I still know that's why I'm here it's just been a tough transition. I'm glad it's been tough because I'm learning a lot about myself and what the Lord wants me to do with my life and everything He is trying to teach me.

I attend an AMAZING church that I love called The People's Church. I'm glad I'm connected to a church full of people who love the Lord and desire to serve Him and worship Him in so many different areas. I love seeing the passion and fire for God in every service.

I can probably quote Dumb and Dumber entirely and I believe that Saved by the Bell can relate to everything in life. I can also do a wicked Southern accent. (It's way better than my British or Australian). I live with two other girls who I LOVE to death. I'm so grateful for them. I have a sickeningly talented boyfriend named Garrett. He writes, sings, plays guitar/piano, and he produces/records all his music on his computer. Does that make you wanna hit him? Yeah me too sometimes...but in the most loving way possible :)

My family is the most important thing to me after my Savior. I don't know what I would do without their loud, obnoxious, sarcastic, hilarious, loving, uplifting, biased and sometimes meddling behavior. Did I spell "meddling" right? Oh well...

There's a little bit of me and who knows...maybe I'll let you know more as I make this crazy journey through life in Music City. Oh my's been crazy...and it's gonna continue that way :)


Danya said...

Yay!! My Hannah has a blogspot! :)

Evan J Hampton said...

This blog sucks! Hahaha just kidding. yay my little Poobie how I love thee and miss thee! That's right I'm bringing back "thee." Catch the fever! I can't wait to come out for a visit